Friday, May 27, 2011

Entry - the first

So... another new blogger with a new blog.
I guess I should explain what we hope this little blog will be about!
Backyard Homesteading and Suburban Farming kinda sums it up, but what it means for us we have yet to discover.
We – The Husband and I - have always been interested in making and creating our own, well everything, trying to make our food, clothing, and housegoods a little better, healthier, and much more natural than can be purchased at a store.(you can ask our family, this interest has been going on for years!) This has led to quite a bit of research on farming, homesteading, organic gardening, sewing, etc. One day we would love to have our own property and be able to subsistence farm, but seeing as that is quite a ways off, we decided to start where we are!
We live in an older neighborhood on a quarter-acre lot and also own an empty lot in the neighborhood that is about the same size. So how do we go about starting to farm and homestead on the very little land we have? 
We are about to find out.
We started with research, a very good place to start.
Well, I say we, The Husband is actually the brains of the operation, he is much better at compiling and processing information and I then organize and start the projects or help keep projects moving along! I learn better by hands on training, where as The Husband can read something once or twice and then is able to complete the task, so we have found that most of the time this method works best for us.
A lot of our research has come from the internet , but here is a list of some of our current book favorites and their links:

Now I realize not all of these are strictly regarding farming, etc, but all have information on methods and processes that can be used in backyard homesteading and BEYOND!! Oops, too much? Sorry, I get carried away sometimes.
And as I said, much of our information has come from online, other homesteading and farming blogs, etc.
So, I hope to introduce you to our very small farm over the next few entries and to chronicle our journey of suburban farming. We would love to hear from you all and please feel free to pass on any links, information and helpful tips!
